Diary of a Poet

Volume IV



by thomas beal

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Diary of a Poet

Volume IV



Copyright 1994

thomas beal

13 of these poems were included in

Veracious Verse 2001 Thomas Beal

Published by Lucky Press, LLC, 126 S. Maple Street, Lancaster, Ohio 43130 USA

ISBN: 0-9706377-3-X

Library of Congress Control Number: 2001088097

Dear Reader,

When i was sixteen i wrote poem #66, in which i asked myself, ...a poet?, to which i replied, No! The Poet! At sixteen years of age i desperately needed that feeling in order to make my writings worth the effort (At the age of twenty-three i must have still needed that feeling, because #66 made it past the final edit for Just Scribbled Words [copyright 1986]). When i was twenty-four i self-published my second book (The first one was lost in the havoc of my life; Memories 1980 +/-), Just Scribbled Words. At that time i needed the series title, Diary of The Poet, in order to believe my poetry was worth selling. I was twenty-five when waves of severe shame overcame me because of the arrogance and ignorance i had displayed assuming such a title. That shame was quick lived, though, and i realized that without that crutch of arrogance and ignorance i would have stopped writing and trying to publish what i had already written (The efforts spent trying to get published just cost me reading fees, along with offers, upon larger payments, of help in making my works publishable...). A second and third volume followed the ' 86, ' 87 and ' 88 one hundred copy printings and sales of Just Scribbled Words (A Month with Marie and Growing Still). A cascade of positive feedback from the sales of the three volumes (then the start of the Diary of a Poet series) gave me my basis for believing a poet was what i should be, and brought me, eventually, to the time i was writing the following ms.

It took me two and a half decades to see that i was a distorted individual. It took me well over another year to find something to do about it. Being with a woman who read a daily affirmation, and my own stubbornness to accept others' ideas, gave me the idea for this daily poem writing. I had NO IDEA how repetitious an attempt to change old beliefs would be! I did not know how deeply it would go inside of me. And i did not know how hard i would have to work to continue it. I found that without the crutches of first, second and third person writing, and the fact that the book was to be part of my series, i could not have finished it. (The fact that it was more intimate than i was with any individual seemed of no consequence, fortunately! LOL) I am now, six years after its first run, beginning to reread the poems in order to hang on to the diverse insight that my present lack of repetition has caused me to forget...

(tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock)

Today (a now that is now ancient), December seventh, two-thousand and one, i find i could use several rereadings...

If you know ANYONE who might benefit from reading this, PLEASE let them! :)

I do hope you find some lines that touch your heart, or sing to your soul, as you read this!



Table of Contents

Diary of a Poet Volumes

#216 , #217 , #218 , #219 , #220 , #221 , #222 , #223

#224 , #225 , #226 , #227 , #228 , #229 , #230 , #231

#232 , #233 , #234 , #235 , #236 , #237 , #238 , #239

#240 , #241 , #242 , #243 , #244 , #245 , #246 , #247

#248 , #249 , #250 , #251 , #252 , #253 , #254 , #255

#256 , #257 , #258 , #259 , #260 , #261 , #262 , #263

#264 , #265 , #266 , #267 , #268 , #269 , #270 , #271

#272 , #273 , #274 , #275 , #276 , #277 , #278 , #279

#280 , #281 , #282 , #283 , #284 , #285 , #286 , #287

#288 , #289 , #290 , #291 , #292 , #293 , #294 , #295

#296 , #297 , #298 , #299 , #300 , #301 , #302 , #303

#304 , #305

Diary of a Poet Volumes



You are not the person

who heard love was a whip

And you are not the person

with lies upon your lips

You are not the person

who quivers in the dark

Listening to cruel master

too terrified to bark

You are not the person

who twists love to relieve

All the purpling pains of past

and their echoes of deceive

You are not the person

who runs from every toil

And the hex no longer holds

all that you touch will not spoil

You are not the person

who steals what he needs

Who prays for the punishment

to all his dirty deeds

You are not the person

who must have all or bust

Who has forsaken love

for the thrills of lust

You are not the person

who gives anger control

Who cares not for his neighbor

and wants to burn his soul

You are not the person

who makes violence his way

That was long ago

that was yesterday

You are the person

who loves with all his heart

Who has not achieved completion

but has found completion's start

You are the person

in the mirror, deep brown eyes

Who loves himself at last

and is sorting out the LIES!


T o C



On the second day, already

you wonder, Will it work?

That, you must encounter

for it is their 'jerk'!

You can do most anything

if only you believe

Something small did happen

your doubts have first relieve

Good can now get better

it must not be pushed away

That is only what they did

it was not touched in say

Moods are your controlling

depression does not rule

Grief is just perspective

to be used as a tool


T o C



When your mind is set

there is nothing to retain

If this you not forget

you shall discover gain

Boundaries that keep hold

are boundaries you believe

All you must find is bold

with this you will achieve


T o C



Too much pride

of course can make you fall

But there is pain

in having no pride at all

Sometimes extremes

can create awesome verse

But without fail

in life it is reverse

There must be

a compromising middle ground

A sure plateau

where peace can be found


T o C



Anxiety deepens

a depressing mood

Grief is close

bright's interlude

Fear is a beast

in need of control

Fear let loose

is devastating in toll

Try and remember

all is not lost

Extreme again

has shown its cost

Next time will happen

not to anticipate

Remember in shadows

future is not fate


T o C



Your siblings were there

but they were not you

They have their own unfair

that hampers what they do

You are not the only one

just a family, small

Keep your view you have begun

but spread that view to all

Mistakes you have made have excuses

but they must come to end

The Earth is full of abuses

yet reality beats pretend


T o C



Run, run, run

it is getting old

The run's wind

now is getting cold

Stay for a while

stay until it hurts

Fear does not remain

it only comes in spurts


T o C



Dearest Jesus, Savior, Friend

thank You for another day

Help me listen, in myself

for things You have to say

Forgive me for the evil

so ignorantly i do

And help me use the talents

i have received of You

Give me what you have to offer

of love and joy and peace

Back me with your strength

my demons to release

Thank You, Lord


T o C



It is okay to write

it is a gift you were given

Things written have their night

from the ways you are driven

It was not your fault

the Beater was insane

Let its shades of failure halt

studied memory causes gain

Think of stories to release

real life horrors' grip

Let it out, find your peace

let pain's tears freely drip


T o C



You love

it is your own choice

your heart

can listen to its voice

Your love

is true and deep and sound

to your love

it is the best she has found

Your brain

is tainted shades of past

chance remains

after all that has passed

Your soul

is thoughtful and kind

good use

of your heart and mind


T o C



Confidence is illusive

but you can take hold

Its lack is obtrusive

insulating the cold

Choice is the matter

not destiny or fate

Demons hold the latter

until it is too late

Make your stand today

any stand you should

Begin a better way

a way you wish you would


T o C



When you wake

feeling good

it is not fake

just what should

Remember thoughts

that bring cheer

they are the oughts

and God is near

This is the way

contentment warm

to start each day

past is the storm!


T o C



Honesty is universal

white lies cause you pain

pretend is for children

and those who are insane

It is time for dealing

face to face with past

to face the cruel people

with hurt feelings, at last

Time to release your anger

that leads you to your grave

Only you see the answer

only you can save

No cruel reverberations

just bare, naked truth

Mend long open wounds

and purify your youth


T o C



Ten deep breaths

let the tension flow

holding it in

helps anxiety grow

Talk to a friend

or talk to yourself

don't set it back

on mind's dusty shelf

Find your release

be at ease with ease

worry is fatal

a faithless disease


T o C



Spring approaches

its warmth and growth

And inside

a spring-like oath?

Till the bed

and plant the seeds

Heart and head

have separate needs

Feeling flowers

and echoed weeds


the gardener deeds

See the roses

watch the thorns

Remember winter

and winter's mourns


T o C



When has your worry

begotten achievement

When ever has anxious

any but bereavement

When has your sorrow

turned happy in tears

How often homeless

in all of your years

Faith in the Earth

may be beyond measure

But faith in its God

and daily, is treasure

So pray to His Son

and look for the flowers

Be kind to yourself

the ultimate of powers


T o C



Trust is a power

no matter how used

self is not bad

just badly abused

Echoes of madness

ring in your ear

but you are now free

and he is not here

Write all your stories

get out what you can

love mirror reflections

you are a wonderful man


T o C



Put downs are comic

but the hurt is real

You, of all people

know how they feel

Try to be nice

for all of one day

In all that you do

and all that you say

You might find the world

you have been looking for

With all of its people

and good things in store


T o C



Steps one and two

towards an ambition

Failure boils

and sorrow's submission

Yet you still stand

and push your goal

If punches come

than with them roll

It is your chance

past years' attempt

The final glory

or your own exempt


T o C



Friends are like food

we have delicacies

And what of the past

and its intimacies

Stages of close

that memory must keep

Good that went wrong

and now we just weep

Pains interfere

with love that was there

And jealousies left

stand a wall against care

So two people hurt

alone and apart

Inside and out

of a broken heart


T o C



Right and wrong are option

faith in self is need

Others get confusing

follow your own lead

Guilt a slithering serpent

hissing out your past

You must learn not listen

now becomes future fast

Turn away from the echoes

of madmen bent on pain

Remember that your failure

turns into their gain

Make at last your stand

on what you feel is right

Do that which you can

and turn to God for might


T o C



Wanting tomorrow

helps bury today

Makes now invalid

and spoils its array

Patience is solid

contentment is sure

Ease with your essence

lets caring and pure

Strive for your dreams

a step at a time

Gradually real

gives life rhythm and rhyme


T o C



To walk away is sometimes wise

need no excuse nor alibis

Flustered thoughts do not produce

anger taut can only reduce

Recess the pain when e'er it builds

when vented calm it no longer kills


T o C



Everything that you do

is signed with your own name

What you write is judged

treat actions just the same

Be proud to add your touch

what no one else can do

Give every day your best

to make your whole life true


T o C



Anxiety is reverberation

of the echoes in your mind

Accept each one separate

life is redefined

Replace them with your own

of faith, victory and good

Release them every day

their voice ne'er understood

Get to know yourself

without the judgment past

Be free to yourself

let go their shit at last


T o C



All that comes natural

for echo's tired ear

Is total hesitation

caused by pain and fear

Only self-confidence

can cure failure's trail

Only new-formed beliefs

can make the echoes stale


T o C



Every new day

is a new chance

To keep the same

or try to enhance

Look at the good

look at the bad

Review failure's reasons

at chances you've had

Make this day

one not to forget

You have not lost

it all...yet


T o C



Believing in self is functional

the only sure way of do

Without it dreams are synthetic

with it goals can come true

It is a singular act

a solo action of brave

The only means to freedom

the only escape from slave

It starts in the mirror each morning

and again at each step of the day

It eases the myth of entrapment

and is proven the only way

It returns in tastes of contentment

and causes the echoes to cease

It comes with the blood of labor

attached to an inner peace


T o C



Decide what you do

is just what you should

the mirror reflection

is basically good

Forget all the ground rules

that you laid unaware

start again from the bottom

with rules that are fair

Set no conditions

for love spent within

list all your assets

and know you will win


T o C



You must admit

that you were taught lies

So part of it

was truth's compromise

Yet to change

you must face fact

Self estrange

the habited act

Stop the games

all the fantasy

Cure the lames

and learn to see


T o C



Second month still trying

this time you have it right

Inside you are still crying

but every day must have its night

Keep reading what you have written

let new tapes replace the old

Remember once you were smitten

but now you have found bold

Time to reach your destination

and then leave it behind

Accept your own determination

and the fact that you once were blind

This is a taste of confidence

level one of the climb

Your good now has evidence

which will build with time


T o C



Begin the start of travel

with the Apple in your eye

Take the watch writer

capture it in dye

Enjoy the strange culture

watch the many faces

Remember it is people

who create these places

Leave your guilt behind

do not let it spoil the scene

Leave friends when you return

to flower what you have seen


T o C



It does not matter

where you are

Whether home

is near or far

You wake with self

that is all

So you should learn

to hear self's call

This is life

just once around

And there is joy

to be found


T o C



High expectations

are necessity

But too high

can be tragedy

Look for the good

but make it too

Even old visions

can be seen anew

Set your standards

at an achievable height

Forgiving your soul

purifies your sight


T o C



Plans that fail

were meant that way

For better things

on another day

Do not grieve

it works out best

It may just be

another test

Take what comes

and plan again

Believe in God

just live with men


T o C



You are not responsible

for forces from without

Just for how you take it

that is what guidance is about

If your plans are interrupted

it is only for the best

Regroup your future tactics

or give them needed rest

Take ways that are offered

wish not for ways dissolved

Be patient and kind-hearted

the dilemma will be resolved


T o C



No one is left


just the memory

that screams inside

You are free

for refusing

and free to build

your own pride

No one is left

for beatings

and the bruises

have gone away

So what of the lamb

and its bleatings

they are useless

i am sorry to say

Everyone has

their own horror

dreams that put sweat

into night

And everyone

is always sorer

from the battles

within their own fight

Your answer

is only within

the part of you

tattered and torn

The pain does not die

with begin

but its blade

is eventually worn


T o C



Go one step deeper

get closer to the core

Be a self-reaper

that is what life is for

See imperfections

they are what make you you

Lose the protections

you've seen what they can do

Know your own beliefs

know that others exist

Share your own reliefs

and efforts that have missed

Love is in communion

and failure falls to laze

No one is immune

to strive in better ways


T o C



Tomorrow is a big word

for which you have no control

It is only in fantasy

and keeps you less than whole

Today is somewhat smaller

yet, still along the same lines

In morn' is mostly future

and holds the same confines

Now is the substantial present

all that is truly yours

Moments that can be let pass

so quickly becoming befores

Take grasp of reality's essence

and charge of that which you can

Let nothing cause you to release it

if you do just grasp it again


T o C



Faith is a human aspect

a power of inner source

The cure for dust in the wind

a way to set your own course

Decide your own destiny

believe that it will come true

Leave nothing to chance and fantasy

for combined they form your rue

Become just what you want

vainby knowing that you can

Forbid the child's disbelief

use the knowledge of your man


T o C



Today i can be happy

God has granted all my needs

Not only do i help myself

but in others have planted seeds

I have my own reasons for living

and i am learning to enjoy

My failures are not eternal

merely signs of my little boy

Achievements are based on my knowing

shortcomings are sure ways of learn

I am not hexed to direction

but can choose whenever to turn

Today i can be happy

a proper use of my choice

Not from listening to others

but from hearing my own inner voice


T o C



Do the best you can

yet still try to learn

Be good to yourself

yet still show concern

It is okay to make mistakes

non-admittance is the only wrong

Ignorance is only uneducation

hiding it is in no way strong

Be what you can be

and try to grow

Any evolution

must come slow


T o C



Today i replace tapes

others have put in my mind

Those intellectual rapes

that have left me so far behind

I did with my egotist

it got me from there to here

But i had not learned to resist

or to live with my daily fear

Today i need not be the best

to believe i am not the worst

I find strength within my own zest

i have only been humanly cursed

I watch my own ways of try

and pat my own back if need be

I see without anyone's dye

i am more than alive, i am free


T o C



Love thy neighbor as thyself

so self-love is assumed

Yes, even with the faults

the anger and pain entombed

You are the best you can be

each day better turns to gold

Leave the memories to decompose

else today be thoughtless sold

Reach for heaven in your heart

keep your feet upon the ground

Reach inside with honest hand

it is where present's peace is found


T o C



Communication works relationship

not limited to any one kind

Talk to family, friends and lover

have an affair with your own mind

Honest words only have worth

silence beats pretend and lie

Honest pain is sad's only good

it seems to be improvement's pry

Ask yourself what you really feel

and analyze the reasons why

The truest smile only comes

after the deepest release of cry


T o C



Today begins another month

and peace is closer still

The daily struggle all relies

on exercise of the will

The rebellion formed to fight

dysfunction in the past

Has served its only good

and now it must be passed

Remove the fight within

it holds the good side down

For freedom to begin

release rebellion's crown


T o C



Sometimes the best things happen

when plans have gone to hell

After we have mourned the loss

it all turns out quite well

So realizing how life is

has a lot to do with view

And being at the bottom

can be a sign of wanted blue

Sometimes the slower times

may be needed for repose

To review one of life's weeds

and find it is a rose


T o C



Let go again your fear

it is another day

Let go again your tear

and try another way

Focus on something great

then reach for it with care

And maybe set a date

for when you should be there

Each moment undecided

is what your lower power steals

The longer this is brided

the more risk it never heals


T o C



The confines of true relationship

are only those self-implied

Rules seen or in the past

are of times that were not tried

Regulation is from within

a self-analysis of fair

Power struggles from without

are from those who do not care

Decide your own personality

keep your own self in line

Leave others with their own choice

responsibility's border is fine


T o C



Today i can find simple joy

no major event need take place

Today i can play my boy

let small invention light my face

Today i must not be complicated

in order to be fulfilled

Today i can let go more lies

that so long my peace have killed

Today i can just be myself

and not worry what others think

Today i complete love's chain

by adding my ease's link


T o C



Learn not to fear failure

or anticipate its fall

Those who never fail

can never have at all

Failure must proceed success

or elation could not be

Loss is part of life's expanse

the surest sign of free

Learn to accept yourself

you will never fail within

Inner glory must come first

for outward to begin


T o C



Today i will be careful

not to cause anyone pain

My actions and my words

can bring me loss or gain

Today i will put labor

into meeting at least one goal

I will reach beyond my body

in attempts at building soul

Today i will consider

once again what i have been taught

And try to hold it precious

for it is the only day i've got


T o C



Believe in yourself

and do not let you down

Bad comes with the good

but you do not have to frown

Believe in what you do

start simple, see it's true

Believe in just one day

rejoice when it is through

Believe for just a moment

dreams are things you can

Try a little harder

you will be a better man


T o C



Today i am new

my slate is clean

And all that i do

is okay to be seen

Today i am free

of judges unheld

To see what i see

let my own thoughts meld

Today i decide

that i am my rule

No longer to hide

like a cowering fool


T o C



My thoughts ascramble

my pen awaits

i write it down

My heart is city

my soul is free

within a little town

My reasons forming

as days unfold

there has to be a way

The cover's open

the page is blank

and what have i to say

It is hard, little children

but peace, alas

can be found!


T o C



There is no need for fretting

you have a home and things to eat

You have an improving relation

that communication makes complete

Take all old worries' energy

and put it into thought

Read all the pages you have filled

rearranging into ought

Yes, young writers may ne'er be heard

but, of course, it must be said

Drain that innocence with your pen

so you can see for real instead


T o C



Awkward situations come

but patience spreads its ease

And suddenly i realize

the efforts shown to please

People try with feelings true

not all are lost in vain

Concern exposed in quiet times

makes up for any pain

Toiled reward is better still

than any come what may

I may yet learn, eventually

to work at every day


T o C



Learn to find joy in the tedious

life will be full and complete

Vent anger at first and honest

and it will not leave you beat

Learn to accept the lesser things

and much more will come your way

Learn how to toil and endure

and accomplishments will array

Learn to be at ease with self

and loneliness will lose its throe

Educate yourself continuously

in the ways you want life to go


T o C



Today i will remember

that freedom works two ways

If i try to rule anyone

then the tower surely sways

Today i will be patient

with those who might be slow

Be silent to tiny victories

that they also can grow

Today i have decided

my will can beat my past

That messages of old

are released their rule, at last


T o C



Mutual is functional

dependency is not

Laziness is habitual

and soon you can be caught

Arrogance is optional

confidence is need

Peace is prerequisite

and effort is the seed

Accomplishment is chained

each phase a single link

Endurance is the exercise

that puts you on its brink


T o C



Communication deals in word

and definitions get confused

Every sentence is different heard

by the past of each person fused

Explanations are there to ask

for all that is not plain

Interpretation is a dual task

that unattempted causes pain

Honesty still remains the rule

held higher than the rest

While emphasis is the only tool

to carry the meaning best


T o C



Be your own person

no matter what is said

Rule your own body

control your own head

Decide your own actions

and do not be ashamed

Attack your own angers

struggle until they are tamed

Think your own thoughts

let no other persuade

Rejuvenate your past

release all that others laid

Be kind to yourself

until it can be counted on

Be kind to those around

for memories when they are gone

Be sure of every move

so that there is no regret

Return tenderness in kind

so your heart is not in debt

Be honest but with grace

so no unneeded pain is caused

Merely begin again

should you find that you have paused

Pray for things that you need

for wishing does no good

Do not let chances pass

left wondering if you could

Do as you would have done

so that your pain is purified

Fail when failure must

but always know that you have tried


T o C



Life is a collage of phases

splashed with so many shades

A succession of intricate mazes

where innocence eventually fades

Change the inevitable forecast

pride the most hinderant vice

Memory the guide which encompasses

age the unavoidable price

Record the thoughts evolutioned

to understand your ultimate end

Create your own constitution

with amendments that allow you to bend


T o C



Depression i understand

elation is just a dream

Peace is not my comfort

no matter how it may seem

Confrontation is my history

a bottle is my home

Good feelings are a stranger

i release into a poem

Contentment is a victory

no matter how i play

Anger an aphrodisiac

my heart remains affray

Joy is only mythical

like Santa Clause and Peter Pan

My mind is molded in the past

and i am a miserable man!


T o C



Something inside

is evolving

but that is okay


i am changing

a little bit every day

I do not have

to be fearful

change is a natural state

Just continue to wake up

each morning

by wiping clean my own slate


T o C



Be happy with yourself

then what you do will be okay

Treat others with care

you will be treated the same way

Ask your questions to yourself

others can only answer theirs

Do not push them so hard

they are tired from their own wears

Be at ease with simple things

boredom will not gain its rule

Listen to the world around

for it is your only school


T o C



Being honest with yourself

comes in stages

Like reading your own book

of many pages

Accepting just one truth

changes so many more

Until sometimes it seems

you will never be sure

But surety comes of choice

choices that you make

And putting off decisions

will only cause a fake

Earnest effort is victorious

where stubborn slows you down

Procrastination is a pool

where many people drown

Do today what you must do

and let tomorrow be

You have no control

over things you cannot yet see


T o C



A relationship is intricate

a feelings, thought and memory collage

Romance is the hardest kind

when the past is an abuse barrage

Words trip certain triggers

defenses are silent, cold

The major crimes are talked about

but little ones are seldom told

When both sides see the same

one must make the way

The right things are the deepest

so the hardest things to say


T o C



It is completely astounding

what comes from things we don't want

We procrastinate until the last

'til the simple turns to haunt

And finally once we have started

we find it is not so bad

That the horror was just imagined

and we gain what we wished we had

The end result we have prayed for

can come from so many a source

The situations encountered

would not have come from our course

So to grieve over plans misconstrued

is a waste, if we finally would see

For always, we do what we must

and needs are met eventually


T o C



See what needs to be done

then take positive actions

Every situation can be seen

as a loss or an attraction

Toil can be tedious

but it takes up your day

So bear it with a smile

it is the only good way

Try thinking in assets

and friendships there made

Take a little for savings

for the plans you have laid

Choose things most rewarding

to do at the day's end

To fulfill your ambitions

so there is no place for pretend

Bring self to life's center

and watch greed disappear

All that there is missing

is only that which you fear

Judge yourself fairly

let all others go free

Their's is not your responsibility

it is only for you to see

Think every action before it is done

be sure it is the best you can do

Thank every day when it goes by

for it is the best of the new


T o C



People you have let know

think you are worth the time

Keeping yourself from the world

is becoming your own crime

The consequence of exposure

is much less than that of recluse

You were trained in off methods

now you are continuing their abuse

The things that keep you going

are the things that you hide

And reasons you get lesser treatment

are because they cannot see inside

It is time to be your own man

to risk the things that you want

Or become a 'model citizen'

walking so full of haunt


T o C



Sometimes it seems there are no choices

but you decide the options you can take

Sometimes inside has too many voices

and every intuition seems a mistake

Waiting can be the hardest part

to answers for the questions that you ask

Time seems to tick into the heart

and ease becomes the most involving task

This is when effort begins to show

when past begins to drip into the now

Remember your new messages as you go

so next time you will already know how


T o C



Do not pressure yourself

as you have been in the past

For you know what pushing does

and the effort does not last

Be at ease in all attempted

do not set your goals to fail

That is the reason for this writing

that is the reason that you ail

Try to set your steps in sequence

the way you first learned how not to fall

Try to learn one thing at a time

no one can at once achieve it all

Balance yourself on those things sure

the way it was all begun

And before you even know it

you will find that you can run


T o C



Grief is natural in process

a step toward letting go

Things that have touched the heart

in process are usually slow

Time does not heal all wounds

but toil in earnest is sure

So even the soul that is scarred

can one day again be pure

You are your own judge and jury

and you can decide to go free

If you pardon all past shortcomings

you can allow yourself to just be

Punishment is for intention

the whole of your person has done

Until you have sorted your spirit

you are entirely deserving of none

Forgiveness is often the hardest part

when self is the one to receive

But you are the most deserving

do not let past echoes deceive

Cleaning your slate is ritual

a practice to habit with time

Guilt is only self-destruction

and remains the last inner crime

Remember the ways you have faltered

acknowledge the losses of past

Learn from the lessons rejected

chances of relapse are vast

Give yourself one day of freedom

accept that that freedom is due

Thank God for making it possible

and yourself for chances anew


T o C



It is not the final burst

that wins the race

But from the start

in keeping pace

Sometimes it isn't best or worst

but shades of grace

Where truths of heart

are shown in face

Effort exercised is gain

be it big or small

The hardest thing you have to do

is take down your own wall

The greatest risk is that of pain

if possibly you fall

But there are those who made it through

just listening for your call


T o C



You are surrounded by people

that given the chance will care

But unless you risk exposure

you will not know they are there

Be honest first and open

with no guidelines set

For others are the same

and they do not forget

Treat people at all times well

they will treat you the same in turn

Release your wants to teach

yet be open still to learn

There are many ways to comfort

and friendship leads the line

Give help when help is needed

and thou shalt be given thine


T o C



Point of view is reality

every person has their own

Finding out where it came from

can be hard, once you have grown

Everything that has been told

has an echo in your ear

When you are down and all is hopeless

poor example then is near

Hope can only come from habit

hard to earn if it was not taught

It is possible to change

even all depressive thought


T o C



Getting real is not easy

at the start or down the line

Getting close opens options

and one step backwards can be fine

Part of life is learning failure

not how to do but how to take

The risk of effort is not total

and the gains that you can make

Learn to love and be love worthy

give your heart but do not sell

Learn that others have their own choices

and even rejection can be taken well

Learn that view is in distinction

that what you need is what you get

Learn to take no for an answer

that some things asked are not ready yet


T o C



Open up your wings

and learn to fly

There are so many things

that you can try


T o C



Take care of things you can

and give the others some time

Look back at your fading past

life always seems to keep in rhyme

Struggle is time for learning

so your learning must not be done

How could you appreciate ease

if your life had given you none

Find that small things have joy

and that patience always wins

Just as no one comes to repentance

until they have admitted their sins

Hard times are not a punishment

but a strengthening of your soul

To help you define what victory means

enhancing the span of your whole


T o C



Today i will believe in me

that i have my own choice

It will not matter what others say

i will hear my own voice

Today i will make the moment count

for all i have is here and now

Today i will forget past mistakes

i will find a way somehow

I was born a precious child

and i am a precious man

I was ruled by others then

but now i decide my span

Today i will be who i am

not led by what others think

I have reached the surface once again

and this time i will not sink


T o C



Sometimes progress is slow

patience gets tested again

Now seems like the past

suddenly it's way back then

But now you have faith

that things will be okay

Now you have learned that struggle

is part of the growing way


T o C



You can do anything

when your mind is made

And build upon yourself

once your base is laid

Keeping your direction

is practice, every day

In love and self affection

both in do and say


T o C



Sometimes you have to talk

to know exactly how you feel

Sometimes until it is said aloud

the thought is not quite real

Sometimes it is time itself

that ebbs away at thought

That erodes the base of thinking

until suddenly it is not

We humans now are mortal

thus the feelings held inside

But words on page are different

they neither tire nor hide

Write down all that you can

then review the black and white

The change you will see in self

will be as that of day and night


T o C



It is okay to plan for better

and not expect the worst

You were only brainwashed

you were never cursed

It is okay to hate the actions

that someone else has done

But to hate the very person

and the abuse has rebegun

It is okay to grieve a lost one

be it person, thought or deed

But depression is suicidal

and thrives on stealing need

It is okay to let your guard down

and let other people in

For true friends help you celebrate

every time you win


T o C



Today i will be happy

with everything i do

I will not wish things were different

when the day is through

Today i will be at ease

with the man i have become

I will not look at how far i have to go

but at how far i have come

Today i will rejoice aloud

and let others see my joy

I will let myself play

to release my little boy

Today i will replace the echoes

with these words of mine

And forget 'their' accusations

for i know that i am fine


T o C



Sorrow is part of life's complex

where strength is measured and will

In joy our good thoughts come ease

the power is in having them still

The times that need is delayed

are times our person can grow

Where strength and patience are tested

and all of the gain that we know

Depression is life's worst addiction

advancement then must be the best

If the worst can be beaten

dysfunction can all be put to rest

Misery comes in its quota

it is part of the mortal way

Misery grieved and released

brings ecstasy on a coming day


T o C



When things do not go as planned

there is a reason we may not see

And what we are left with

is what was supposed to be

When important events are hampered

yet promises must be kept

We are forced to act unaided

or be by misfortune swept

Sometimes it becomes a victory

that increases the action's worth

Inside is built a confidence

that would not have seen its birth

We are again by struggle strengthened

so that our ires are seen anew

Then future's failure's facets

are dwindled down to few

We find more of life's wonders

and a little more of self

We find that it is more seldom

that our needs set on wait's shelf


T o C



Tomorrow runs in circles

of if-s and do-s and why-s

While yesterday sits silent

and often times it cries

Today starts out the prior

though ends the latter note

The two are sky and ocean

with here and now the boat

Even the best of swimmers

will drown in yesterday

And who do you know that flies

so there is no other way

Now is just a moment

all else is just a dream

Eternity is a halted second

and not what it might seem

Live the 'now' of Edgar Allen

for he was surely right

Heaven is that second

and thought is close to light


T o C



The heat of the summer sun

begins to end spring's chill

Just as the spirit born anew

begins to strengthen its will

The labor of this morning mass

has turned to a labor of love

And i look at the ires of past

that i now have risen above

I have learned the first stage of peace

on the stairs to eternity's tower

I have learned the comfort of ease

as well as the hope of its power

I have reached a stage of success

my writing has helped at least one

I have reached a stage of reality

my 'here and now' has begun


T o C

Thank you, very much, for your time!

Would love to hear your thoughts on this verse!

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Jenn, Brenda, Morgan, Little Linda Mae, and i

not so long ago...

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T o C

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